Hello Friends, Today we come with new and Exited Trick. Trick to order unlimited Mi note 4a. Some people do not order in sale because there are more traffic. So we comes with script to order Mi Note 4a in sale. So follow our trick and buy mi note 4a.
Xiaomi Redmi 4A is one of the lowest priced mobile phone having so many features and high end specifications. You can purchase this smartphone at just Rs. 5999 exclusively from Amazon India online shopping website. Moreover, you can also get Redmi 4A from official website mi.com on the sale day. Below we will be covering up each and every features and specs of Mi Redmi 4A.
How To Buy Redmi Note 4a In sale:-
- Firstly Visit Here
- Log into your Amazon.in account before starting the Sale
- When sale starts then Add Redmi 4A to your cart when the Sale starts and checkout the product within 15 minutes.
- If Mi note 4a shows in waiting list then join Waiting list, because sometime the original buyer fails to complete the order within 15 minutes, the smartphone will become available for purchase to the customer in Waitlist.
- If you are in waitlist and original buyer do not complete his order a popup is appeared on your screen
- Then You will have 3 minutes to add the smartphone to your cart and 15 minutes to checkout in order to complete your purchase.
- If the Waitlist is full as well, we recommend you to refresh the page every few minutes till end of the Sale to see if the Waitlist becomes available.
var jq = document.createElement(‘script’);
jq.scr = “https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js”;
setInterval(function(){ jQuery(“button:eq(1)”).trigger(‘click’);
console.log(‘Working…’); },10);
How to use script for buy Redmi Note 4a :
- Firstly visit here
- Select Your Color
- Note: For a safe side, open above link in two tabs, apply script in one tab and click manually in second tab.
- Now after select the color and open 2 tabs in one tab click on left button
- Now click on “Inspect Element” shown last in the options.
- Or else you can also press Ctrl + Shift + I.
- A popup window will appear from bottom.
- Then you will find a “Console” tab, click on it.
- Now Paste the given Redmi 4A script in the box.
- Now Enter button (Keyboard) approx 5 minutes before sale.
- Now wait for the script to do its work of adding Redmi 4A to your cart.
- After successful adding Redmi 4A to cart, then place the order
Earlier this trick was working fine, but now I am not sure that this will work for you, but still, you can give it a try.
This trick is based on Educational Purpose Only.....
This trick is based on Educational Purpose Only.....